Shintaido is best practised through attending regular weekly classes. Partner practice and sharing group energy are important, so it cannot be learned from a book.
British Shintaido is a small organisation and regular in-person classes run only where Instructors are able to support them. However we also run online classes which are suitable for beginners. BS Instructors also run occasional workshops and other events.
Weekly classes
Use the map below to find one in your area, or to visit a class in another area. Each class shown on the map has its own page in this website’s main navigation menu. Visitors are always welcome; it’s wise to check before attending
At weekends specialist classes are available by appointment (no fixed time) – please contact Minagawa Sensei (Masashi).
Quick links: | Bath | Chippenham | Farnham | Loch Arthur | Reading | Stroud | Zoom
What to wear?
The official Shintaido uniform is a traditional white keiko-gi with a white belt. However beginners are fine in loose fitting clothing with ample room in the shoulders and crotch; if possible wear white or neutral colours. Bare feet or white tabi (Japanese rubber soled shoes) allow you to use your toes for balance, however light trainers or soft soled shoes are also acceptable. Classes include extensive warm-ups and stretching and usually run 1-2 hours.